Monday, June 24, 2013

77 Days

Due to the obnoxious time difference between the US and the UK it's been a bit difficult talking with the school. Fortunately they saw this coming and prepared something special for their US students. 

A few days ago there was a chat that took place at 8am PST where Kingston invited all of us coming from America to ask questions with representatives from the department. It gave us time to ask our Financial, social, and housing questions as well as any we had for specific teachers. 

I met a lot of different creative folks while getting all of my burning questions answered with the two hour period. As it turned out, one of the professors answering questions was the Principal Lecturer for Creative Writing.

Nuts, right!? 

So I was asking her anything I could think of and soon the chat was over. But she gave me her personal email address so I can draft a personal email to her about the program as a whole. 

Really exciting stuff. 

It was good to able to immerse myself in learning more about Kingston while at the same time being able to glimpse a bit of the information that is sure to swamp me when I go in for Orientation the day after I arrive. Yeah, I don't even get time to relax and get over being jet lagged. I wonder if they'll mind me conked out and snoring while in the queue (see, I feel more British already!).

In other news, I've been spending more time with my babies.

I wish I could take my little obnoxious buttfaces with me, but I don't think my flatmates would appreciate yapping terriers begging for scraps every second of the day. I'm really going to miss them, though. I'm like the mama bear that takes care of them. I keep their food full and play soccer with them. I wash them. 

And I love them with all of my squishy heart. 

It's going to be hard being away from them for so long, but my family will take care of them.

Also, I have yet to tell my nieces that I'm leaving. They are under the impression that I live here and I've moved for good. If they thought me living "in the mountains" was far then they are going to be in for a shock. I have been showing them some random pictures of the UK so I can explain exactly where I'm going when I do tell them. 

A part of me wants to be positively sure that I'm leaving first (not even the devil could stop me, honestly) and part of me just doesn't want to see their faces when it sinks in that I'm leaving again and they'll not see me for a while. 

We're also having a going away party/ 4th of July bash with my entire family. Yes, almost all of my family will be in one room. This hasn't happened in over a decade. Shit is gonna get crazy. As much as I'd love to include an invite to my friends there is no way I'd want them to hang out with my family. 

If they think I'm loud they don't know the definition of the word... 

More to come soon, friends!

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