Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Craziness Preceded by Crazy Good Times.

Hello friends!

Oh man. So much has happened. So fast. Can we start slowing down the clock? No? Damn. Okay. Classes are going great. They’re difficult but I wouldn’t want them to be easy. I’ve been getting great feedback on my novel and I’m already 12,000 words into. I had writers block for a bit but I’m back at it now. Filling in gaps and rewriting before I continue forward. 

Backtrack to the end of October. I went to a fabulous Halloween party and went out dancing. It was glorious. They had Christmas decoration up, even then.  

After that the entire month of November was a blaze of RiPPLE submissions, grading, getting work done for class, and choir rehearsal. Our choir is singing at the University Choral Service twice next week and then we’ll be looking to get a concert done next week. So exciting! I came in late so I have some catching up to do. But that’s okay haha. 

I’ve also been making time to hang out with friends (they would beg to differ, but I have tons of stuff to do!) and have a drink every Sunday at my Local (that’s what pubs are called here in case you’ve forgotten). 

November has been crazy. So crazy. Yet awesome. Crazy awesome mash-up of greatness

I went to the premiere of the 50th Anniversary at the movie theatre. In 3D. Holla! Do kids still say that? Whoops. Anyways,  I don’t have a tv so I didn’t know where I was gonna see my nerdy nerdiness and then I heard they were screening it so I nabbed a ticket. 

I wanted to see it because of 3D, duh, and because how often will you be able to really enjoy the Doctor Who 50th and be a part of a Guiness World Record (for the largest simulcast of a tv show ever)? 

Let me tell you… I had such an amazing time. I can’t even begin to describe it. There is nothing like being surround by people with a love for the same tv show as you and to hear a room erupt into laughter or applause at something so utterly brilliant as Doctor Who. Hurt was amazing. Smith was amazing. Tennant was amazing. It was spectacular. I had an amazing time. I laughed, I almost cried. I yelled when Ten said “I don’t wanna go” and I’m excited for this new turn of events. 

Anyways, we went to get ice cream after (yeah, I’m lactose intolerant and I still eat ice cream. I like to torture myself and feel the horrible cramps that I get from eating dairy. Okay, it only happens sometimes. Sometimes, I’m just fine. It’s just the luck of the draw).  We had a great night. 

What else am I missing? Oh.  Thanksgiving! Yes. Thanksgiving.  I had THREE Thanksgivings. Almost four, but I was too busy to get to the first one I was invited to with friend Aurora. But I went to one at my friend Sandra’s place. We threw a last minute one on Thursday (I had class, but we did it after!). And the I went to one on Saturday. It was great to spend a ton of time with my friends. I missed my family, of course, but I got to spend it with people I’ve come to really care about and enjoy spending time with. 

I skyped my family. And, of course, they showed me all the food I was missing (thanks for that Dad and Mr. B. You guys are soooooo sweet). I was up til 4 chatting and hanging out before I went to sleep. You should have seen my aunt’s face when I told her me, her and my mom could all chat at the same time on google. She got REALLY excited hahaha. 

Then I went into London for a makeover/photoshoot. Don’t I look sexy? I know I do hahahaha. Anyways, it was really fun and I got a couple of photos. Mostly, I just wanted to be sure that my friend had a great time. It was her birthday present from me.  We looked fabulous when we left. 

Just went to the pub and enjoyed the usual live music of a Sunday night. I love it at the Swan. Good atmosphere. Great ciders. It’s always a bunch of fun whenever we go.

I went to Covent Gardens and saw the Five Guys/ Chipotle. The decorations there were totally pretty.

Oh yeah, did I mention getting lost is Surbiton on my way back from dinner on Saturday? Yeah. I got super lost and kept running into cul-de-sacs galore. Not to mention the fact that I did it more than twice. Sigh. I have a horrible sense of direction. Even with my phone I walked almost two miles out of my way. It was 35 degrees out. And my buzz wore off at about the time that I realized I was walking towards dead ends. Double sigh. But, at least I got some exercise, amirite? Gotta look at the positives. Like this pretty photo:

The veterans celebrations here are a lot different too. WWII hit the UK really hard and they've never forgotten how many were lost during the air raids and the sacrifices that many made for their safety. It's tradition to wear poppies and donate to the veterans every veteran's day. I woke up to the lovely service that Sunday.

Here's the Memorial up close. Those wreaths are made of plastic poppies and are dedicated to the soldiers from Hampton Wick that fought and died for Britain during WWI and WWII, there names are also inscribed.  

Anyways. I’m beat. I’m going to head off into sleepy land. Well, after I format and plunk in the photos. Hope you enjoyed my super short installment. Sorry I couldn’t be all crazy about it. It’s almost 2am and I just edited the crap out of my sister’s personal statement for grad school. My brain is zapped. Haha.

Until next time, dear readers.

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