Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hello Rain! Glad We Could Finally Reunite.

Hello faithful readers!

I have been so busy that I haven't had a spare moment to write to you all! Since we last spoke I've become an old fart (well, 24 isn't technically old fart status but it's inching closer), I went to an Indie film festival, wandered around the West End and Trafalgar Square, gotten soaked because I forgot my new trusty pocket size umbrella, sat on the the river and came up with a fantastic new story, found a new live for Bulmer ciders, cooked my nommmy chili for friends and have been having a blast of a time.

Pictures have of course been updated because you know me and my love of photography.

Gotta keep this short since I have a ton of reading to do for Tuesday and it's all theory so I'll need all the time I can muster.

I'm officially on the short list of people in the running for the position of Managing Editor of the literary magazine Ripple. Yay yay yay! No I haven't forgotten how hard running a lit mag is but I love it so that's what I like to focus on. It's like being in a production. You have absolutely miserable days but once you set foot in front of your opening night audience all of that simply melts away. *I just got an email saying I'm in the final 2 and she would like to interview me. Say whaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttttttt?*

I have also deciphered why the British go to pubs so often: it's because all the bloody shops close before 7. I see the need to get drunk and have dinner at the pub when most places, save a few, are are Rarely open past 5:30.

Except on Thursdays. This is a late night shopping day and some shops stay open til 9, most til about 7:30. Why? Because of some weird tradition no one really knows knows the origin of hahaha.

In even better news I got a giant care package from my parents. Everything was covered in Disney stickers and every single item was really thoughtful. I now have plenty of m&ms, Oreos and kitchen towels and potholders to last me for a while. I also got really great present from friends including a Tigger stuffed animal, who now has a home next to Garfield and Curious George, a Beauty and the Beast mug (did you know that the Beast was a Ginger!? I think that's how my obsession started), silly straws, beautiful birthday cards, and of course an unbelievably fabulous night. Sushi and a pub. Good, good times.

I've got an awesome set of 1,000 piece puzzles for 10 pounds. It really helps when I need to unwind and just listen to some Ray Lamontagne and make my brain calm down.

Writing is coming along and I have my first legitimate workshop on Wednesday so that will be cool.

Did you KNOW:

-All swans are the Queen's personal property. There is a dude in jail for life for cooking one of the Queen's swans. Okay, maybe they don't get life but they get 6 months and a 5,000 pound fine! Carazy.
-Irish Car Bombs is an offensive name. It refers to the Baileys exploding in the Guinness, yes, but it is also a reference to the IRA and all of the explosions that took place in the 70's, killing hundreds of innocent people. Super rude. And the drink was invented by some dude from Connecticut . It's not even IRISH!  

Other than that, everything is going really really well. Thanks for all the well wishes and for reading, of course. I didn't realize how many of you were keeping up with my tale across the sea and that makes me feel really happy. And warm and fuzzy. Warm and fuzzy is good because it's been really cold and rainy for the past three days...

Until next time, guys. <3

** Don't worry about the Pictures page formatting. I'll come up with something different for it. For now, the Pg Dn button should be your friend. **

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