Monday, September 2, 2013

Home Stretch!

Here we are. 

Seven days until I leave for London.

My bags are packed (well, almost...). Clothes are really heavy, I've learned. 

We're going to do some Saturday night dinner out. Knowing my family they're going to try to get me drunk. Uh-oh. 

According to the weather there is a 80% chance that it's going to be raining when I arrive. A very welcome break from this SoCal heat, let me tell you. I've been dying in this 85-90+  weather.

Making some lists of what I need to buy when I arrive and what can wait.

I still haven't decided on a bank but I know I'm getting my cell with O2. I can tether and have unlimited internet. Nice. 

I have about two weeks to get over my jet lag and get my tourist on before I start the term. I'll have plenty to do between now and then. They've made sure of it.

Still, I wish I could stow my dogs away.

I think the little demons would enjoy frolicking around.

But alas, they have to stay here. With everyone else. The nieces are getting used to the idea of me leaving, but they don't like it. Who else is going to watch The Wiz and Lion King with them? Maybe they can come visit and we can go see The Lion King on the West End if they come to visit. 

I'm really excited but I'm so used to the wait that I'm not sure how I'll feel when I finally get on the plane. It's strange. Months in planning and now it's literally seven days away. 

The only thing I'm not excited about at this point is having to take this literary theory course. But if I take it now and get it out of the way I'll really be able to enjoy myself. Just got to get it done I suppose. Blech. 

Guess I better go start rereading the Beginning Theory by Barry. Gotta love crossover course materials. 


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